AMDA Co-Operative Savings and Credit Society Ltd

Basic Financial Requirements

  1. Membership Fee: UGX 30,000
  2. Value of @ Share: UGX 20,000 Minimum Shares: 05
  3. Saving
  4. Opening Account: UGX 10,000
  5. Savings every month (minimum): UGX 10,000
  6. Passport size photos: 03

In case of need for any more information, please reach out to any of the following contacts

  1. FCCA Venny Birusya - 0772429594
  2. CPA Gerald Nuwamanya - 0776279980
  3. Ms. Bonnie Mutungi - 0772595252
  4. Mr. Dennis Mugarura - 0774173817
  5. Ms. Juliet Kyokunda - 0703408525
  6. SACCO Manager - 0787809377
  7. Fr. Dr. Darius Magunda - 0774613448
  8. Mr. Egidius Karuhanga - 0752222850

Bank Details

dfcu Bank

A/C Number: 01061020550512

AMDA Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd


Centenary Bank

A/C Number: 3100058702

AMDA Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd

I herereby declare that I'm desirous, and have freely applied, to be admitted as a member of the AMDA Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd ('AMDA SACCO'). I further confirm that the information I have given in this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I undertake to inform the Management of the AMDA SACCO, should any of this information change